Tea and Roses for your Vintage High Tea Setting

Tea and roses – one of life’s sweetest combinations, and one we love to bring to the table for your high tea experience at Teavine House.

Fresh flowers in tea pots make a fragrant table centrepiece for your high tea setting.

Fresh flowers in tea pots make a fragrant table centrepiece for your high tea setting.

 Fresh flowers in tea pots create a fragrant centrepiece for each table at the tea rooms, completing the vintage-inspired setting for your traditional high tea.

 Team member Ali undertakes the weekly ritual of sourcing fresh blooms from local producers, sometimes adding colourful cut flowers from the estate’s own gardens to style sweet posies for every table.

 Jumping Red Ant is a family-owned and operated, chemical-free flower and vegetable farm in northern NSW, where produce is grown using natural fertilisers only – no insecticides or pesticides.

Ali arranges sweet posies for each table in the tea rooms.

Ali arranges sweet posies for each table in the tea rooms.

The result is a stunning array of roses and other varietals in unique colour palettes. Best of all, the roses not only last longer because they are grown for our climate, but also boast a gorgeous aroma.

 As Ali says, “it really should be illegal to have a rose without a scent!”

Fresh flowers for the tables vary according to seasonal availability.

Jumping Red Ant produces beautiful blooms using natural farming practices in northern NSW.

Jumping Red Ant produces beautiful blooms using natural farming practices in northern NSW.


Teavine House